… or three years till I’m thirty is what this should be called.
This weekend I celebrated my birthday. With every birthday, I wake up in the morning trying to reflect. Do I feel any older? Did I reach all my goals? Will I be better this year?
The late twenties definitely feel like a big countdown the inevitable day when we turn thirty. I have mixed feelings about hitting the big 3-0 as I’ve shared in passed birthday posts on Planning Pretty. To me it’s a good and bad age. Finally escaping the most confusing decade only to feel pressured to reach a certain level of accomplishment.
Twenty-seven is spinning the almost thirty gears into full speed. There is pressure to establish a strong foundation for a career, have children, finish up all your degrees, earn a good living, buy a house… seriously it goes on and on. You start laying out all the time it takes to complete these goals and realize, oh man better get started!
Why did it take so long for us to know what we wanted or better yet have enough chutzpah to go after them? Annoying. But now that we have it feels like a race to get things done. At leasts that’s how I feel.
On the positive side, twenty-seven seems to be bringing an understanding of self-worth that didn’t exist before. There are still many challenges in the world that make this process difficult. I’m getting into habits that help combat the doubt. Calm mornings, surrounding myself with positive people, smart business strategy. It’s a slow process but gradually getting better.
As for Planning Pretty, I do have high hopes for the business in my twenty-seventh year. I moved into my first studio, launched services and am pushing to complete projects for even larger platforms. There is no more time for games, sitting around. I have to make things happen or at least being twenty-seven makes me feel that way. I will fight and build my legacy brick by brick no matter what people think I do or don’t deserve. I feel like I’m old enough to say that now :)