Hello, happy Monday everyone!
First I want to thank everyone for your support, kind words and comments last week. In case you’re just checking in, I wrote a personal essay last Monday describing my current journey through blogging and the creative/lifestyle world. So many of my friends, family and readers left comments, it was incredibly encouraging. Thank you.
Today I want to share I shoot I did at home for Valentine’s Day. This year my husband and I decided we don’t want a fancy dinner or big date. We’re quietly retreating to higher altitudes and will enjoy a Valentine morning very similar to the photos below. There’s something lovely about a simple breakfast. No frills, fresh flowers and a simple dish to enjoy together.

A few weeks ago, I noticed a beautiful and simple Valentine collection at West Elm. I fell in love instantly. West Elm is a home store my husband and I discovered together. Neither one of us shopped there prior to our marriage. It represents the perfect blend of our two styles feminine vintage and modern industrial. We always can find a piece of decor to agree on each time we shop. Even with all the little hearts, we agreed this collection was perfect for us. I swear guys, not a sponsored post, we just love this store :)

- A single garden rose placed atop the Hearts of Gold tea towel with the Heart Bud Vase in gold

Just goes to show, that you don’t need a fancy restaurant, a billion roses or pounds of chocolate to have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
A few of my favorites from the collection can be found in the Planning Pretty Shop! You can always pop in and see what pretty accessories and decor I’m loving and currently shopping.
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All photography is by Planning Pretty unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to share but please to remember to give credit :)