Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope all of you are settling into 2016 with a refreshed attitude and exciting goals. Sixteen happens to be my favorite number. I’m not a very woo-woo kind of girl, but I do feel a little excitement because of the last two digits of this year. I know everyone is a little excited we can call this year a “sweet 16”! It is quite suited for my philosophy on parties and celebrating life at home.
Speaking of parties, we did have a few friends over for New Year’s. We had a great time drinking champagne and shooting off confetti poppers. What I really loved was the mess afterwards. Call me crazy but our apartment looked so pretty with mounds of confetti and balloons everywhere. I still haven’t popped all the balloons. They currently reside in my home office :)
Mr. Planning Pretty and I spent the last several days really purging our belongings. I recently read Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it has completely changed the way I think about organizing. We threw out, donated, gave away and sold so many of our belongings. It’s amazing how much stuff was just sitting around unused and unloved. Our home was always organized everything in its place, but we were so tired of the “noise” they created in our home. We realized it’s better to part with the items that no longer bring joy or purpose to our lives. I emptied most of my closet & drawers that were filled with clothes I simply didn’t like or didn’t fit. I was amazed how much I was holding on to all these years. I highly recommend reading the book and trying this method out. It brings so much clarity to your mind! Here’s a few photos from the process.

That’s right, we got rid of our old sofa bed! The new sofa actually arrived today and I can’t wait to share photos. We visited our local Restoration Hardware outlet and purchased a beautiful sectional sofa. We were getting very crowded on our old sofa. Since we have an actual guest room now, we no longer needed the pull out couch for visiting friends and family. It’s a much higher quality than we expected to afford thanks to outlet and an additional 30% off! I’ll save the details for later so stay tuned for the new sofa reveal :)
Hello 2016!