First, thank you all so much for following along these past two months as we transformed this crazy little bedroom into a magical safe space for our son. We had our work cut out for us, there was so much to refresh and restore. Luckily we didn’t need major construction and could manage the repairs on our own. I spent most of my time designing and ordering while Joe (and his dad!) did most of the handiwork and labor. I know it sounds terrible, but one I also juggled keeping a toddler out of harms way! Milo is such a curious child and constantly ran upstairs or searched for the sound of power tools. He loves helping so keeping him busy during this process was tough!

Like most projects, things don’t go perfectly. Budgets, time constraints and life are all real obstacles that can come up during a home renovation. I am proud with how the room turned out and know that we have a few more details to still finish after the challenge. I’m that we were able to keep our sanity during this project, we kept he renovating at a level that was manageable for our family. I think so many people try to take on huge projects for their homes and truly underestimate the effect the stress and financial commitment can have on their wellbeing. We really prioritized taking breaks, slowing down and not losing our minds over decorating a room. Our age of social media magical reveals and professionally produced decor TV shows make us believe that homes reach perfection instantly.

I think more and more people are realizing that’s not true. What really matters is that you put intention and love into making a space you own. Yes you can DIY or receive professional help but don’t get caught up in making space perfect. It should tell story not just look pretty. I know, funny, coming from a blog called “Planning Pretty”. It’s what I truly believe makes a space beautiful.

So what’s our story for this room? We wanted to created a calm magical space for our son and visiting children. When I was pregnant with Milo I designed a woodland themed nursery because I loved the gentleness of a deer and the enchantment of a forest. When we found this crazy looking cottage in the forest that resembled something out of storybook, I knew it was a continuation of that design. Instead of just a nursery, an entire house that felt magical and enchanted. That was our inspiration for the mural that Shelley Bruce painted. Soft, muted colors and a whimsical landscape of gentle animals. For Milo, it means a safe happy space where he can enjoy childhood, an experience that we don’t take for granted.

Thank you again for following our decorating journey. If you’d like to see more of the process photos be sure to read the previous weeks’ posts. And, read the One Room Challenge blog for more beautiful projects. Other designers created amazing transformations.