Phew what a trip! Obviously I took a few days to recover, but now I’m ready to share photos, my learnings and an epiphany or two.
You can say I downloaded a lot of information during Alt Summit, a mixture of instruction and interaction. In the midst of the conference, all you can really do is just experience and try to absorb as much as possible. I met so many people, discovered new apps, and gained great techniques for photography and video.
I was hesitant to attend the conference. I debated for months after buying my ticket. I heard mixed reviews, but ultimately decided to make my own opinion. I’m glad I did. Sure it was a commitment, but I found a way to cut costs (like staying at the sister hotel, Little America, across the street). One of the gifts was absolutely amazing and made the price feel a little better too. I got to see Joy Cho, Martha Stewart and enjoy a beautiful hotel. I focused on technical and business workshops that would normally cost hundreds of dollars to take individually. So yeah, I got my money’s worth and probably more. And did I mention there were professional photographers following us around! Thanks to Justin & Brooke, I have good photos to share :)

Okay so maybe I didn’t have a miraculous epiphany at Alt, but I did find clarity. I realized I don’t share as much as I should with all of you. Not personal life topics, but about my background, the mystical “H” school I attended (not Hogwarts) and my upcoming projects. I tend to keep my plans to myself, not recognizing that if I shared more it could help others too. My assumption was that anyone coming to Planning Pretty, only wants to see the finished perfect product, not the messy in-between. I’ve had a crazy career path, that I touch on a little in my About section. I’ve jumped all around industries, scaring my parents. I started in media with film/television (I had plans to be a female Ari Gold), ventured to creative with pastry arts and then entered creative-media with FM & this site. So as crazy as it may look on LinkedIn, it makes sense. It’s a clear path in progress…
My promise is to share more of my process. From building this site/brand, to recipes from family parties and everything in between. So at the moment, I’m playing with a redesign. I’ve wanted to change things up for quite some time. Planning Pretty could use a little facelift making it easier for me to post and you to find great ideas. I am still creating, but most of my time is going to business strategy and research. Going full-time creative is not to be taken lightly, it is a lot of work especially early on. Every day I’m dedicating a ton of hours to this business. I may not post as often, but don’t mistake the silence for neglect :)
I’m done rambling now, go have a wonderful summer weekend!